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49 Efficacy and health benefits of coconut oil

49 Efficacy and health benefits of coconut oil

49 Efficacy and health benefits of coconut oil
Good night, this night I could not sleep so I will write an article "49 Efficacy and health benefits of coconut oil". Wow ternayata coconut has very stout health benefits can be outside.

Coconut oil has a very good range of benefits to health. Because the efficacy and benefits are so great to say the coconut fruit is nature's bounty.

Studies have shown that intake of coconut oil, can help the body increase resistance to viruses and bacteria that cause disease. Coconut oil can also positively affect thyroid hormones and blood sugar control. People who consume coconut oil also tend to have improvements in reducing blood sugar because oil can help improve the use of insulin in the body. Coconut oil can improve thyroid function with the help boost metabolism. What are the actual efficacy and benefits of coconut oil which is very important for the health of the human body?
Here is the efficacy and benefits of coconut oil for health:
1. Coconut oil slows the digestive process, making you feel full longer and minimize snacking result in rapid weight loss.
2. Use to polish the stainless steel equipment to apply with a soft cloth in a circular motion.
3. Use a makeup remover. This is great for removing eye makeup
4. Treating psoriasis and eczema with it.
5. Apply a conditioner for your hair. Just leave it on for 5-10 minutes, and your hair will be shiny

    and hydrated. Be sure to rinse!
6. Use in a perfume during the summer for a light tropical scent.
7. Use to cut curly hair.
8. Rub into the skin to soften rough, dry skin.
9. Use as a total body moisturizer and make skin more radiant.
10. Use the wooden cutting board oil create and maintain a layer of wood.

49 Khasiat Dan Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Untuk Kesehatan

11. Increase the proper bowel function and relieve hemorrhoids.
12. Use as a natural toothpaste when mixed with baking soda.
13. Use to relieve cracked nipples during breastfeeding.
14. Relieves and cure indigestion, ulcers, colitis, IBS, and Crohn's disease.
15. Stabilize blood sugar and insulin production.
16. Use coconut oil to fight colds because it has antiviral properties.
17. It has been found to menngurangi high blood pressure.
18. Use to help soothe any skin disorders or skin irritation.
19. A band is used as an alternative to butter popcorn.
20. Monolarium in coconut oil has been shown to improve immune function tubuh.Sebuah 

       alternative to butter for baking, candy and other sweets.
21. Use as a natural alternative to sunscreen.
22. Make your hair more shine.
23. Use to soothe your skin after waxing or plucking.
24. Use to heal wounds and scratches.
25. Helps digestion and relieve heartburn by eating a tablespoon.
26. Apply to your face to get rid of acne ..
27. Use to soften cuticles.
28. Apply coconut oil as a foot cream after a pedicure.
29. Take internally to increase your metabolism and support weight loss.
30. Use as an alternative to baby diaper rash cream.

49 Khasiat Dan Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Untuk Kesehatan

31. Use as a massage oil.

32. Apply for your ear to soothe any irritation caused by wearing earrings.

33. Exfoliate your lips by mixing coconut oil with a little brown sugar or regular. Scrub gently 

      for soft lips halusdan heal chapped lips worse ..

34. Use to heal cracked heels and elbows.

35. Spread toast in place of butter. It feels better with a little raw honey.

36. Use to relieve sunburn menyakitkan.Gunakan to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

37. Softens calluses with it before exfoliating your feet.

38. Rub into the baby's head to get rid of cradle cap.

39. Add them to bath water for ultra-moisturized skin.

40. Soothe a sore throat by adding it to the hot tea.

49 Khasiat Dan Manfaat Minyak Kelapa Untuk Kesehatan

41. Use to treat fungal infections or ragi.Gunakan to increase the rate of metabolism, stabilize 
     weight, and control food cravings.

42. Use in any dish when grilling or frying as seasoning make any meal.

43. Relieve acid reflux, reduce gallbladder disease.

44. Stop the pain, burning, and itching bug bites ular.Ini and helps reduce fine lines wrinkles and 

      dark circles under the eyes.

45. Nutrition and amino acids for skin.

46. Use to eliminate kutu.Gunakan on your car dashboard and decoration for a natural shine.

47. Mix with lemongrass oil or tea tree oil to natural insect repellent.

48. Use natural leather shoes to shine big and protector.

49. Use to help treat diabetes.

Teernyata stout coconut oil properties and benefits ... always healthy and happy farm


Semoga Bermanfaat dan terus berusahan membuat hal yang sederhana menjadi istimewa.

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