Fish and Shrimp decoration Aquascape
Today I will summarize the fish and shrimp occupants Aquascape Aquascape decorate your complementary and I just started from fish as follows:
Types of Fish decoration Aquascape
1. Manfish
Fish with this width will form a very beautiful maintained along the water plant.

Includes one idol fish freshwater fish hobbyists. Beauty looks from the diversity of fish body color. Fish body such as slab. This fish is often dubbed as the king of freshwater fish.

3. Congo Tetra
As the name implies this fish from the river Congo, Afrika.Ikan including fish actively engaged so that this type of fish towing another effective enough so that not too hide / ngumpet.
As the name implies this fish from the river Congo, Afrika.Ikan including fish actively engaged so that this type of fish towing another effective enough so that not too hide / ngumpet.

4. Neon Tetra
Although only 2-3 cm body length, this fish is very beautiful. Scales are silver and metallic red can be seen on. He was happy to eat the frozen worms, small insects, shrimp and dried fodder.

5. Puntius Denisoni
The characteristics of these fish, elongated rounded body like a torpedo. Black line extends from the tip of the mouth to the base of the neck. While above the black line is no color line merahsampai half of the body. The size of the fish can reach 15 cm.

6. Rainbow Fish
The color of this fish is very beautiful. Body decorated rainbow stripes. Choose a size rainbow fish body length of 10 cm. These fish are found in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

7. Rasbora
People know him as a harlequin fish. Fish from the Southeast Asian region has a tinge of red color hologram on the scales. This species can reach 5 cm body size. Calm and gregarious nature.

8. Red Eye Tetra
This fish is very suitable if you want to be mass reared in a home aquarium aquascape. Nature like clustered. Silvery body. Body length of 5-6 cm.

9. Red Nose Tetra
Petite figure and happy life clustered. His nose was red.

10. Sumatra Barb
This fish has a color characteristic striped like a tiger. Fish with rhombus-shaped body is easily maintained. Its just a bit grumpy sometimes like chasing other fish species.

11. Soaboa
At first glance looks like a red nose tetra. Because in the reddish nose. But color is not only in the nose alone but to the tip of its tail.

12. Guppy
Guppy size is tiny. Female body length of 6 cm, whereas smaller males. Characteristic of this fish is the male fish tail like a fan with varied colors.

Types of Shrimp decoration Aquascape
1. Mandarin Shrimp - Caridina cf. propinqua

2. Cardinal Shrimp - Caridina dennerli

3. Red Nose shrimp - Caridina gracilirostris

4. Neon Shrimp - Caridina cf. babaulti var. Green

5. Red cherry shrimp - Neocaridina denticulata sinensis

6. Bumble bee shrimp -Caridina trifasciata

7. Vampire Shrimp – Atya gabonensis

Common name: African Giant Filter Shrimp, Shrimp Fan Africa, Vampire Shrimp
Family: Atyidae
Order: Decapoda
Class: Malacostraca
Maximum Size: if the right conditions exist 5-6 inches. Usually 4 inches.
Origin: West and East Africa South America
Temperament: Peaceful
Tankmate: Should together with small fish such as tetra or slightly larger fish. Do with cichlids or fish that is very aggressive. The shrimp will not interfere with other fish
Water parameters: pH 6.5 to 7.4, soft to hard water, ammonia or nitrite temperature of 74-84 F. exist in tangkikarena they are very susceptible to poisoning.
Setup Aquarium: currents have crevices to hide and spacious enough for shrimp swim. Recommended 1 shrimp per 10 gallons.
Breeding: Breeding is very rare. Kebanyakankebanyakan wild catches.
8. Yamato Shrimp – Caridina japonica

Scientific name: Caridina japonica
Common name: Algae Amano Shrimp Eating, Amano Shrimp, Shrimp Yamato, Yamato-numa ebi, and Jepangudang Marsh
Family: Atyidae
Order: Decapoda
Class: Malacostraca
Maximum Size: 2 inches / 5 cm
Origin: Yamato region of Japan
Temperament: Peaceful
Tankmate: Assembled by small fish sseperti tetra. Avoid maintenance with aggressive fish.
Water parameters: pH 6.7 to 7.7, hard soft, slightly acidic temperature, 68-78 F
Aquarium Setup: Must be maintained in akuascape (having plants) with water conditions will quickly adapt stabil.Udang but susceptible to ammonia and nitrite.
Breeding: It is very difficult to breed. The larvae should hatch in brackish water.
9. Bamboo Shrimp – Atyopsis moluccensis

Scientific Name: moluccensis AtyopsisCommon Name: Singapore Wood Shrimp, Flower Shrimp, Shrimp Wood, Asian Fan Shrimp, Shrimp BambooFamily: AtyidaeOrder: DecapodaClass: MalacostracaMaximum Size: 4-5 inchesOrigin: South AsiaTemperament: peacefulTankmate: Shrimp are clawless and therefore not harmful to other fish. Should not be kept together with a large cichlids or aggressive fish because it will be considered as food. Can be combined with another of the same size shrimp.Water parameters: pH 6.5 to 7.4, soft water, ammonia and nitrite 0 ppm, a temperature of 73-82 F ..Setup Aquarium: must have plants (Aquascape) and stabilized with ammonia level ataunitrit. Caves or hiding areas also helps because this is the larges species of shrimp. Driftwoodsangat recommended.Breeding: It is very difficult to breed. Limited information is available on the breed dipenangkaran. Brackish water needed for hatchlings to grow and develop, and then be transferred to freshwater after properly acclimating.
10. Red Bee Shrimp – Caridina C. cf. cantonensis

Scientific name: Caridina cf. C. cantonensis
Common Name: Crystal Red Shrimp, Red Bee Shrimp, Bee Shrimp
Family: Atyidae
Order: Decapoda
Class: Malacostraca
Maximum Size: 1 inch
Country of Origin: Japan
Temperament: peaceful
Tankmate: Another shrimp and fish the size of a good temperament. Do not stored with Caridina species or other aggressive fish.
Parameter Water: pH 6.5 to 7.3, soft hard, ammonia and nitrite 0 ppm water, the temperature of 68-78 F. warnaTerbaik presented low temps.
Aquarium Setup: leafy plants and moss is the best place for this shrimp, sehinggaudang can hang in the leaves. A tank Aquascape highly recommended as a shrimp is thus more stable water with ammonia or nitrite levels are low.
Breeding: Easy to breed in aquariums. The ideal ratio is approximately 2 male to 3 females.
and there are also other types:

















Well specify fish and shrimp that will adorn your aquascape, make it more beautiful to live in harmony with each other requires that there Aquascape more interesting and special.
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