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Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

  Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

   Well we already know how to grow tomatoes with hydroponics, we also need to know the benefits of tomatoes for our bodies, not just plant we also need to know the benefits of the plants that we naman that can be utilized properly.

       Therefore here will be written the benefits of tomatoes for health.

1. Reduce the fat content causes of obesity

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

In the previous article, the fat is said to trigger high blood pressure and weight meningkatkanya. To reduce the amount of fat that accumulates in the body, it takes hard work of various efforts such as exercise and diet regulation.

If you are already a lot of exercise but never severe decline, trying to help with regular consumption of tomatoes before exercise. Tomatoes contain no fat, just high in protein, carbohydrates, and calories. All three of these nutrients has an important role in weight problems, you can set them with motion activities such as running, gym, and others.

2. Establish your muscles

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

Men will be difficult skinny womanhood attention, that's why many of them are willing to spend a lot of costs just to be an ideal body shape posture. Do you belong to one of them?

If yes, then you ought to know that in addition to training the body by lifting weights, there are other things that must be done, namely a break. While sleeping, the muscles that have been tampered with will be rearranged to form a more perfect. You should know also that the perfection of form of this muscle is also affected by some type of food.

There food is supporting the formation of muscle, and one of them is tomatoes. This is because the tomato as a rich natural source of protein, easily obtained by simple processing as well. So, before and after exercise, there is no harm in eating a slice of tomato fruit in order to increase their chances of success formation athletic posture.

3. Prevent Cancer

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

Thanks to the antioxidants contained in the tomatoes, serious diseases such as breast cancer, colon, and lung can be handled effectively by this fruit.

The statement is a conclusion the results of a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that there is a relationship between tomato consumption with a reduced risk of cancer. Where from 72 studies, there were 52 studies that claim that consumption of tomatoes with proper and sufficient quantity can reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, breast, colon (gastrointestinal), also the cervix.

4. Antidotes free radicals

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

The medical expert or medical specialist gives credence to the flavonoids and zea-xanthin in counteracting free radicals. Both of these compounds are antioxidants that are most numerous in tomatoes.


5. Keeping the teeth and bones strong and healthy

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

Tomatoes are a supplier of calcium that is used to maintain the bone that is not easily chipped, also strengthens the teeth and keep them healthy. At the time of the formation of bone, calcium is necessary in order to get perfect results.

6. Controlling cholesterol causes of hypertension (high blood pressure)

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

The body stores two types of cholesterol, the good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). The amount of good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol should be more than the amount of bad cholesterol, if not then there is hypertension or high blood pressure.

How to treat high blood pressure can be prefixed with an easy effort, such as eating tomatoes regularly. The reason for choosing tomatoes as food should be consumed is stored in the mineral content in tomatoes helps to regulate the amount of cholesterol circulating in the blood.

7. Healthy eyes

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

Patients are often advised to eye minus consumption minus the tomatoes that do not add up. You know why?

Tomatoes have been recognized by many as a fruit that can nourish the eye because in it there are a lot of vitamins A, coupled with a number of other nutrients such as niacin, thiamine and folic acid. Between one another to work together to cure health problems in the eye.

 8. Creating a stable working heart

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

There are about 235 mg of potassium in the medium tomato slice. The content is useful to control the heart rate in the blood pumping and keep working stably. Another tomato benefits to be gained are awake from heart disease and stroke

9. Meet the needs of daily vitamins

Manfaat Dan Efek Samping Tomat Bagi Kesehatan

If you are lazy to take supplements to meet the daily requirement of vitamins, eat only tomatoes. Tomatoes will give you 20% of the daily nutritional requirements needed, on a piece of fruit. According to the USDA, all in tomato nutrients needed by the body's organs to function properly.

10. Controlling blood sugar

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health


Blood sugar should not exceed reasonable limits so as not to increase the risk of diabetes. You can help control blood sugar with regular consumption of tomatoes. Tomatoes are a natural source of chromium into the body needs in order not to experience the amount of blood sugar spike

11. Treating back pain

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

Inflammation-related problems such as back pain should be considered serious enough that the problem is not sustainable. If you suffer from it, eat tomatoes regularly disambi proper treatment.

Tomatoes support the healing process by transferring bioflavonoids and carotenoids are known as anti-inflammatory agents. If you are experiencing back pain chronic nature, usually recovery or relief of pain will last long enough.

  Tomato Side Effects for Health

Benefits And Side Effects Tomatoes for Health

1. The weakening of the immune system

The immune system becomes unbalanced because the raw tomatoes are carotenoid pigment lycopene. The chemical compound if a reasonable amount would be very helpful in preventing cancer. However, if excessive in taking it that there is so disturbed immune system and the body will lose a function to protect themselves from some microbes or microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause disease. At the same time, this situation can not repair physical damage there.

2. Gastrointestinal Problems

Because tomatoes enriched with acid content, excessive consumption can interfere with the digestive system. Disease GERD (acid reflux) is a medical term which is a common depiction of intestinal disorders.

3. Trigger IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Antioxidant lycopene can turn into bait diseases like IBS if there's too much in the body. The body will also have some other intestinal problems such as stomach gas, bloating, ganggunam indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and much more. Therefore, it is advisable not to consume more than 30 mg of lycopene per day.

4. Establish a kidney stone

If you have previously suffered from kidney stones are small, not advisable to eat tomatoes a lot. The reason is because tomatoes are a source of calcium and oxalate compounds both of which would be difficult to digest if before you already suffering from kidney stones. In some such cases, excessive eating tomatoes will make calcium and oxalate accumulate in the kidneys and form a large stone.

5. Excess vitamin

An overdose of vitamins can be triggered by tomato vegetables you consume every day, in quotation marks if the amount is excessive. Consuming a medium-sized tomatoes will meet the daily requirement of vitamin tenth, exactly 1,025 IU of vitamin A and 17 mg of vitamin C. If the amount is too much, then arise various problems such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, kidney pain, etc.

May be useful before we menanm would be helpful to know the benefits of these plants. Welcome farmed ^ _ ^ Z


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