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Planting Tomatoes with hydroponics

     Planting Tomatoes with hydroponics

        Want to have a tomato plant in its own grounds, but constrained narrow yard or yard? Do not be confused! Tomatoes can be grown hydroponically in a narrow area though. However, hydroponic tomatoes results will differ from tomatoes grown in open fields. Tomato plants are usually highly dependent on weather conditions, soil environment and soil conditions. However, the tomatoes can be grown in hydroponic techniques are state land and soil temperature can be set alone..

      Know Plants HydroponicsVarious plants can now be propagated by means of hydroponics. Farming with hydroponics technique is being a trend lately. And provide opportunities for you who like farming but do not like having to plunge into the soil or planting land directly. This is due to many reasons, dirty fear, fear of worms, or can not stand the heat, and so on.So farming with hydroponics technique is one of the alternatives that can be taken.A variety of plants that can be grown by means of hydroponics are: tomato hydroponics, hydroponic chili, spinach, mustard greens, or a variety of vegetables and fruits other hydroponics.Hydroponics TechniquesHydroponic technique itself generally has two types of techniques. Namely hydroponic techniques that use media, and hydroponic techniques that use solution.What is meant by hydroponics itself is: a technique or method of farming without the use of soil. But by using mineral nutrient solutions. Or with the use of other materials as a substitute for soil media.Therefore, as described earlier, that there are two hydroponic techniques. Namely:a. Hydroponics media.Ie using media other than soil that serves to replace the media or plot of land as a farm. For example, by using coconut fiber, charcoal, sawdust, broken bricks and sand, and mineral fibers.b. Hydroponics with a solution.That plant crops using nutritious solution that has been mixed with medicinal herbs, thus quickly growing, large and quickly bear fruit quickly. Although not grow above ground land.Hydroponic Tomato Growing Stage

For those of you who are hobby farming, or even make it as a commercial hydroponic your business, then you should know how and stages hydroponics.

So not only know how to cultivate tomatoes hydroponically course you can. But can also find out how to grow crops in other crops.

Here are the steps to grow tomatoes with hydroponic techniques. And in general can be applied also to other types of plants. You just replace the object cropping alone. For example, replace tomatoes with chilies, and so on.
1. Seeding Seeds



Tomato seeds should be used as seeds to sow seeds in the nursery container and box-shaped plastic. for two months. This nursery containers filled with planting medium like coco and called rock wool. After two months, high seedling will reach about 15cm. This seed plants will be hydroponic tomatoes. Tomato seedlings are already so it can be moved to the planting site and planted in polybags measuring 30-35cm already filled husk are arranged in a row.

2. Growing Media


Planting medium should be prepared is dry rice husks that have been burned. Husk is put into polybag around 2kg. Then, the planting medium is placed on a bench in the greenhouse planting. Antarpolybag distance of about 40cm. This allows the plant tomatoes with hydroponic growing techniques are not in contact with the next crop.

3. Planting


Sowing seeds that have been put into polybag-polybags which has been prepared as a planting medium. Typically, to add nutrients hydroponic tomatoes, planting medium must be increased nutrient solution. The leaves of the tomato plant seeds or soil of nutrients spark while providing nutrition to the growing media and make sure that the leaves of the seedlings do not touch the husk.

4. Maintenance



Hydroponic tomato plant maintenance is slightly different because hydroponic tomato plants should be grown in a greenhouse and a closed sterile so that plants are not attacked by diseases and insects that can damage the tomatoes.5. CheckingChecking against tomato plants should be done, such as cleaning up old leaves that keep cropping areas clean, pay attention not to get attached to insects tomato plants, tomatoes and discard damaged or rotten.6. WateringHydroponic tomato plant watering is usually performed in conjunction with the provision of fertilizer. The fertilizer is dissolved into the water and splashed into the tomato plant watering twice a day. Fertilizer used was that it should be specifically for hydroponic plants. Normally, watering and fertilizer application is done at 07.00 am when the temperature is normal greenhouse. Giving the next can be done at 16.00 pm. Do not do the watering when the greenhouse temperature in hot conditions due to the scorching midday sun.

7. Harvesting



Harvesting tomatoes hydroponic techniques can be done about 2-3 months later. One hydroponic plants can be harvested up to two times for 10 months. After that, the plant must be replaced with new seedlings. Tomatoes that have been harvested should not be washed with water so that the fruit is not perishable. Hydroponic tomatoes are simply wipe clean with a dry cloth and immediately packed.Hydroponics Plant Business ProspectsIf you've mastered the technique of hydroponic farming. Even up to master the technique of planting and pengembakbiakannya. Then you is not likely to develop into a business entrepreneur hydroponic plants.Many developing business prospects of this hydroponic techniques, for example:

1. Being entrepreneurs hydroponic crop farmers.
Being a hydroponic plant traders.
3. Being a seller and supplier of hydroponic fertilizer.
Opening the business became a distributor for hydroponic plants.
5. Opening a special restaurant food from the hydroponics.
Opening the special training services and training hydroponic farming.
7. Become investors for businesses and business hydroponics.
8. Being the owner of land that can be leased to entrepreneurs hydroponics.
9. Open a special cooperative selling hydroponic plants, the following equipment.
10. Open stores farming equipment with hydroponic techniques.
11. Opening the online trading business hydroponic plants.Well! From one area that is hydroponics, as well as from one crop only that turns hydroponic tomatoes will be able to develop into a dozen business and business prospects that it is possible to be successful.Live now up to you to try to start this business. Because it could be of trivial things like trying to learn bertanama hydroponic tomatoes, then raging soul of your business to be open to other business prospects.Then how are you going to start the business? Here are tips that will be distributed to you, how to start this exciting business.

Learn good first what it is hydroponics, and how the technique.
Learn hydroponics. For example, try planting tomatoes first.
Try to test the market, with a share of your tomato crop yields to people in your neighborhood.
Furthermore, first developed this tomato plant first. By way of farming by using a wider area.
Start trying to trade your tomatoes. Quite small it first. For example, in front of your own home. Or leave him at the greengrocer circumference.
Make and announce the tomato business with you online hydroponic techniques. Who knew there was a better marketing opportunities from there. And the online business would not hurt. You are not rotten tomatoes, as if you are physically traded every day.
Never give up. Elaborated on. And never get bored.Now you are ready! Not only as a hydroponic tomato growers, but also become entrepreneurs hydroponic plants. Welcome berhidroponik ria.


Semoga Bermanfaat dan terus berusahan membuat hal yang sederhana menjadi istimewa.

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